Category: Parkinsons

  • Using Activity Sheets to Maintain Independence in Parkinson’s: Flow Link Sheets & Handwriting Worksheets

    Using Activity Sheets to Maintain Independence in Parkinson’s: Flow Link Sheets & Handwriting Worksheets

    For individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, maintaining functional independence in daily activities is not just essential for physical well-being but also for emotional and psychological health. This blog will discuss two main types of activity sheets designed to assist those with Parkinson’s. Flow Link Sheets Flow link sheets involve connecting identical numbers or colored dots,…

  • Parkinson’s Disease Treatment and Management

    Parkinson’s Disease Treatment and Management

    In this blog we will delve into the treatment options and management strategies for Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Managing Parkinson’s requires a comprehensive approach that includes medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, and proper nutrition. Each person’s experience with PD is unique, and hence, the treatment plan should be tailored to suit individual needs and symptoms. Medications…