Category: Medical Transport Services

  • 7 Things To Do During Dialysis For Elderly

    7 Things To Do During Dialysis For Elderly

    Dialysis is a treatment that replicates the functions of the kidneys by removing toxins, wastes and excess body fluids from the body. There are two main types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The effectiveness of these two types of dialysis is comparable but the working principles are quite different. What happens during kidney dialysis?…

  • Non-Emergency Medical Transport Services in Singapore

    Non-Emergency Medical Transport Services in Singapore

    Since April 2019, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) stopped conveying non-emergency cases to hospitals. According to SCDF, about 10% out of the 995 calls (with an average of 50 calls daily) made each year are non-emergencies. They have advised that people with non-emergency cases should seek treatment from their family doctor or a general…