Category: Social Media

  • 5 Vital Tips for Seniors to Stay Safe and Prevent Cyber Scams

    5 Vital Tips for Seniors to Stay Safe and Prevent Cyber Scams

    Scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting individuals of all ages, including seniors. From lottery scams that promise big winnings in exchange for a small fee to romance scams that exploit emotional vulnerability, it’s essential to stay informed. Using the below 5 tips, you can enhance your understanding, ensure your safety online, and significantly reduce your…

  • A guide to teaching elderly parents how to use a smartphone

    A guide to teaching elderly parents how to use a smartphone

    Have you ever wondered how eight-year-olds can intuitively use smartphones whereas seniors with rich life experience find it difficult to understand them? The elderly are ‘digitally unprepared’ because they grew up without the help of such technology. Teaching them can be difficult but it is important if you don’t want to deprive them of all…

  • Essential Apps and Features For The Elderly: Social Photo Gallery and News

    Essential Apps and Features For The Elderly: Social Photo Gallery and News

    Social Photo Gallery Social photo Gallery feature lets you combine and organize all your photos at a single place. Not only that, they also let other people view and comment on your photos. There are many different apps that let you organize different photos in different folders or sections. Facebook Facebook is much more than…